Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Zuijin Statue

Just finished this 10ft model for the background of a client's comic book. It's called Pancratia, and it looks fantastic! Check it out here.

It was meant for rendering so the asset has as many tris as needed to still look nice.

What do you think? :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Continuing Fu Dragon Progress

Getting back to my Fu Dragon finally! I was hesitating getting back into it because I was just producing poopy work and not able to get out what I had in my head. Thankfully that dry spell is over and I can get back to kicking butt on him.

I'm still nervous about his mane, the color's I have painted present a lovely challenge, so I'm saving that for when I finish his tail to master the sculpting techniques to his tail.

Adding talons and revisiting the body and pose so it's not awkward.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Inverting Experiment

So I wanted to try an experiment with my sketching so it would shake things up a bit. How I see things. I started the drawing in white and using whites for my blacks, blacks for highlights, etc. I wanted to test how I actually perceive the faces and the form.

Then I inverted the artwork to see how it would look as a 'normal' drawing. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I used the photo here for reference.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Angel update: WINGS

Getting the wings in.
Tedious, but totally worth it.